English Version
As usual
Como de costumbre
I sail in the light
Navego en la lumbre
Earning tickets
Ganando billetes
Raffling my luck
Rifando mi suerte
I'm still in business
Sigo en los negocios
I have good partners
Tengo buenos socios
There in Tijuana
Allá por Tijuana
My team pulls
Mi equipo se jala
I'm lying down well
Ando bien tumbado
Eyes closed
Los ojos cerrados
The nose running
La nariz polveando
I feel traveled
Me siento viajado
I bring good clika, I roll it with my noses
Traigo buena clika, me la rolo con los morros
I control the businesses, because my father taught me
Yo controlo los negocios, pues mi padre me enseñó
From La Perla to Tijuana, a few hours and they call me
De La Perla pa' Tijuana, unas horas y me llaman
Chattering I pull myself, 'chale, there is no fixation
Cotorreando yo me jalo, 'chale, no hay fijón
Pure corridos lying down, compa' Nata
Puros corridos tumbados, compa' Nata
That's right, buddy Junior, hey!
Así es, compa' Junior, ¡ea!
Not only the good
No solo lo bueno
I enjoy the bad
Disfruto lo malo
The good memories
Los buenos recuerdos
The bitter drinks
Los tragos amargos
Damn I have several
Morras tengo varias
I don't want anyone
No quiero a ninguna
They look for the money
Buscan el dinero
It's not because I'm stupid
No es por ser culero
They serve as washing
Sirvan de lavada
Grabbing life
Agarrando viada
Everyone very happy
Todos bien contentos
I enjoy the moment
Disfruto el momento
I bring good clika, I roll it with my noses
Traigo buena clika, me la rolo con los morros
I control the businesses, because my father taught me
Yo controlo los negocios, pues mi padre me enseñó
From La Perla to Tijuana, a few hours and they call me
De La Perla pa' Tijuana, unas horas y me llaman
Chattering I pull myself, 'chale, there is no fixation
Cotorreando yo me jalo, 'chale, no hay fijón
Artists: Junior H, Natanael Cano
Released: 2019
Album: Corridos Tumbados
Genres: Regional Mexican, Corridos tumbados