Ivan Cornejo Está Dañado Lyrics - Ivan Cornejo - English Version 2023

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Ivan Cornejo Está Dañado Lyrics - Ivan Cornejo - English Version 2023

English Version

She is damaged by love

Está dañada del amor

He doesn't feel any pain

No siente ningún dolor

Your happiness ended

Su felicidad terminó

Your hope disappeared

Su esperanza desapareció

He no longer believes in love, his faith is gone

Ya no cree en el amor, su fe se le acabó

He no longer believes in love, it rains every day in his world

Ya no cree en el amor, llueve cada día en su mundo

His smile, his little face, his little hands

Su sonrisa, su carita, sus manitas

Oh, what a delight, oh, how pretty your face is

Ay, qué delicia, ay, qué bonita está tu carita

She likes to dance with her friends

Le gusta bailar con sus amigas

That brings out his beautiful smile.

Eso le saca su hermosa sonrisa

Your beautiful smile, oh, what a delight

Su hermosa sonrisa, ay, qué delicia

pure apple

Pura manzanita

He moved very well to reggaeton

Se movía bien rico al reggaetón

Every night singing the song

Todas las noches cantando la canción

We dance, we kiss drunk

Que bailamos, nos besamos bien borrachos

And when you're crying

Y cuando estés llorando

Locked in your room

Encerrada en tu cuarto

I hope you sing my song

Espero que tú cantes mi canción

La la la la la la


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Song Information

SONG : Está Dañado

ARTIST : Ivan Cornejo

ALBUM : Dañado

LICENCES : The Orchard Music (on behalf of Manzana Records, Inc.); SOLAR Music Rights Management, Warner Chappell, LatinAutorPerf, Sony Music Publishing, UMPG Publishing, CMRRA, and 2 music rights societies
Source: Click Here

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